#1 through #5 ~ #6 through #10 ~ #11 through #15 ~ #16 through #20 ~ #21 through #25 ~ #26 through #30 ~ #31 through #35 ~ #36 through #40 ~ #41 through #45 ~ #46 through #50 ~ #51 through #55 ~ #56 through #60 ~ #61 through #65 ~ #66 through #70 ~ #71 through #75
76. Since you dive into alluring projects without doing complete research (you do some, like if plants are toxic to cats, yes), your poor Echeveria succulents haven't gotten enough sun, even though they're in a northern window (stupid Wisconsin). They've etiolated, so the stems have stretched out, instead of the plants staying as cute rosettes. After buying grow lights, you decide you want to rectify the situation even more and get to the beheading. This of course requires repotting everything. Still way more fun than cleaning.
77. After beheading the pretty plants, you decide to save all the leaves and try to propagate them. More succulents? Sure! If you can convince any to sprout - that black thumb of yours chuckles at the prospect. Weeks later, you actually notice a teeny tiny baby on one of the leaves. You're way too fascinated over the itty bitty thing to bother with cleaning.
78. Feeling as though you've got this succulent caring down, you spend hours online browsing all the pretty colored ones, creating a massive list of what you want to buy. Room for them all and money, be damned. These are the only plants you can keep alive with your horrible luck (even cacti die on you), and you intend to exploit that. Window shopping > cleaning.
79. Happy with your succulents' progress, you find two of your plants uprooted one day. You know the culprit. So instead of cleaning, you need to keep a sharp eye on the Devourer of Plants and Souls (aka Rikku, the blond (cream) tabby cat), so you can protect your poor, gnawed on plants.
80. Cat or no, you still want to expand your succulent collection, so you look for pretty pots online. You do need homes for that long list of plants you want to buy. Rabbit holes are so easy to fall down - much easier than cleaning.