Quote of the Moment

"What's Past Is Prologue." - William Shakespeare

Thursday, November 06, 2008

NaNoWriMo Novel - Eater of Angels - Progress Meter

Below is my progress meter (since the official NaNoWriMo ones don't seem to be working). It also has the ability to reflect my mood as I'm writing the novel. I will update this blog post everyday to at least adjust the meter, unless I have a horrible day and get nothing written. Below the meter I will add dated comments when I feel the need to say something. Happy NaNoing. =)

11/6/08 - I've eclipsed the total word count I managed to get in 2005 and 2006 - well, and 2007 since I didn't take up the challenge at all last year.

11/8/08 - I've made it past the 10k mark - woo hoo!

11/10/08 - It was one of those days where it may have just been better to write the word crap 2,500 times. BUT I made it past my 14k total from NaNo 2004!

11/12/08 - The total lack of sleep last night because of an unusually fussy baby is seriously making me think of throwing in the towel for NaNoWriMo. I think my normal creativity pace is slower anyhow (by at least half...4k a week sounds like the perfect amount right now). I had very little sleep the night before because I was trying to get 10 pages done. There is no way I can afford to get sick because I'm still nursing, so not getting hardly any sleep is a bad thing! We'll see what happens. Today is looking like a 0 word day, though.

Monday, November 03, 2008

NaNoWriMo 2008

So, I decided to take the plunge and do NaNoWriMo again this year. The roadblocks to 50k words this year abound - namely baby ones. And this baby is trying to make that point by slapping at the keys while I type this blog entry. =p

I am determined to win at least one year - mine as well make it this year! Yes, I have tons of other projects I need to finish, but I decided I need to polish away the rust on my creativity and fiction fingers. This means I'm starting a whole new novel, just so I won't feel so bad when some of the chapters, scenes, paragraphs, sentences...words...just don't come out all shiny and pretty. Then when NaNo is over I'll have gotten rid of most of the nasty rust and can continue to write Shepherd.

The working title of my 2008 NaNoWriMo novel is Eater of Angels. I hope to post an excerpt in my NaNo profile sometime soon. For, yes, I have actually written the last 3 days. I have 20 pages already - over 5,000 words - woo hoo! The first scene had been brewing in my head for a couple weeks, and the words flew off my fingers. it was awesome, and it made me all giddy.

I also intend to add a NaNoWriMo word count bar to my blog (and maybe my website) if the NaNo website ever frees up. It is overloaded with people going to it at the moment, I think. At least that prevents me from wasting time in the forums. Heh.

On another note, I am all caught up with my critiques, and I hope to be critiquing regularly again once November is over.

Now, it's time for a walk in the unseasonably warm Wisconsin November - I still have to make some time for my family! Happy NaNoing everyone. =)