11/6/08 - I've eclipsed the total word count I managed to get in 2005 and 2006 - well, and 2007 since I didn't take up the challenge at all last year.
11/8/08 - I've made it past the 10k mark - woo hoo!
11/10/08 - It was one of those days where it may have just been better to write the word crap 2,500 times. BUT I made it past my 14k total from NaNo 2004!
11/12/08 - The total lack of sleep last night because of an unusually fussy baby is seriously making me think of throwing in the towel for NaNoWriMo. I think my normal creativity pace is slower anyhow (by at least half...4k a week sounds like the perfect amount right now). I had very little sleep the night before because I was trying to get 10 pages done. There is no way I can afford to get sick because I'm still nursing, so not getting hardly any sleep is a bad thing! We'll see what happens. Today is looking like a 0 word day, though.

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