It's time for me, though, to take a look at all that I've accomplished in 2017. While I didn't publish as much as I did in 2016, I've still been making a lot of forward progress with my goals. This year I think I'll even throw some numbers out, just for fun. I love numbers. Don't you love numbers? OK, just another thing that makes me weird then. I own up to my weirdness.
First, the publication list for 2017!
2017 Publications
❦ Edge of Sorrow (Fortunes of Fate, 6)
❦ Dreams in Shadow (Fortunes of Fate, 1) - Paperback Edition
❦ Hell On Wheels (Devil Made Me, 2)
Short, but sweet. I had so much fun writing both new titles I released this year. It should always be that way, right? If I feel the joy of writing, I hope readers get that same joy while reading!
Now, of course the publications aren't the only thing I have to show for in 2017. Writing is like a play -- tons of stuff goes on back stage. Here's where some of the numbers come in. And since I have handy charts to track everything each year, I didn't have to do some extra number crunching for this post.
2017 Progress
❦ Completed the rough draft and 20% through a revision of Thorns Entwine the Blade (Trinity Torn, 2)
❦ Added over 5,000 words to the rough draft of GSD vs. Everything
❦ Set up and posted several stories on Patreon
❦ Set up and started beta reading and developmental editing under Haunted Unicorn Publishing
❦ Wrote 93,444 words of first draft material
❦ Revised 53,039 words
❦ Posted 38 blog posts (including this one)
❦ Spent 165.63 hours writing, revising, and editing
❦ Spent 49.1 hours either writing blog posts or updating my website
❦ Spent 36.95 hours formatting, creating cover art, and uploading titles to be published
❦ In totality, including the hours above, I spent 490.43 hours total on writing related tasks (up to the date of this post -- still have a couple more hours to put in before the end of the month)
Whew. That seems like a lot more when I type it all up. I know for some writers the numbers might seem low, but remember I'm not doing this full-time right now (kids, kids, oh the kids). Though I didn't hit all of my hopeful goals (if you want to compare to what my initial goals for the year were, look back at Setting My Sights on 2017), I am proud of myself for making so much progress and keeping at it.
Next year, I'm going to make my goals more realistic and base them on my productivity from this year. But that's my post for next week!
I hope you all had a productive 2017!