*shakes fist at HTML coding* I'm trying to use more than one font on the blog, but I can't seem to get it to work. I may need to beg the assistance of my more knowledgable friends.
Anyway, onto the good news. My stort "Kindled Morphogenesis" has been accepted for publication in the Modern Magic anthology, to be published by Fantasist Enterprises. Yipee! I'm quite happy about this one. Publication date is still to be determined, and I will of course update things on my blog and website when it becomes available to order. ;)
Along with the good there is some, well, I don't want to call it bad, more like an annoyance. I received my Blue Form of Death from Realms of Fantasy. Okay, fine, nothing new. But, she had my cover letter in there with a Hall? next to the Seton Hill University mention. Erk. No, it's not Seton Hall, it's Seton Hill, and the program I'm in is one of the few that concentrates on genre fiction (popular fiction) rather than literary fiction, and it's quite irksome that one of the big fantasy markets hasn't even heard of it. *sigh* Maybe the Writing Popular Fiction program needs to make the publishing industry more aware. It was a bit upsetting though. Did she not even read my story and just reject it because she thought I had a typo in the cover letter? I'm debating about putting a polite, "this is the link to the program if you're interested" post on her Rumor Mill thread, but I don't want to be pushy or anything.
As for the revising, don't ask. I will trudge on soon whether I like it or not.
Um, I think that's it for now. No, I haven't had time to overhaul my website. I'm also debating on moving it from geocities to sff.net. That would require me to have HTML creating software though, I think. Anyway, until next week, happy writing!
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