Right now, if I wear my glasses, I have a sharp piece of metal digging into my nose. Hopefully I'll be able to get a temporary repair done tonight, but if they can't glue it back on at all, even for a short time, I will be without for likely a month (insurance - that every 12 month thing for coverage sucks, you know).
I am currently developing a headache just trying to type without the glasses!
So, posts will be further delayed (as will writing and other things that I would love to be able to see to do) because I would prefer metal not digging into me and gouging a hole in my nose on a regular basis.
Maybe I'll take a nap--that doesn't require vision. ;)
OK, time to hold my glasses to my eyes to see how many misspellings I made while typing blind.
NEXT UP: When vision returns, I'll post about In Your Write Mind 2013.