Quote of the Moment

"What's Past Is Prologue." - William Shakespeare

Thursday, November 02, 2006

NaNo, Oh NaNo

Yes, it's been another month since I blogged (or done a million other things that are on my list). I will not make any promises about future posts because when I do, I just insert my foot in my mouth.

Yesterday kicked off the beginning of NaNoWriMo. I have decided I'll be doing it kind of unofficially, and not with the exact NaNo rules.

First, there is NO WAY I am starting another new novel. I have too many that I've begun that need to be continued. Last thing I need is another beginning. So, I plan to continue with the rough draft of Shepherd of Dreams. It's not even a fourth of the way done, so I have plenty of rough draft ahead of me that would go higher than 50k words even.

Second, I actually don't intend to reach 50k. I haven't been feeling well the last couple months, and I don't want to push myself and get even more sick. Also, this is the first time I am attempting NaNo along with having some type of "real job." Out og the three days I work, getting up at 4:45am and not getting home until 6pm at the earliest just doesn't help with writing time. I know I can get at least 500 words done each work day, but the after work days are what truly get me because I had so little sleep for the work day before that I am exhausted and beaten. I hope to reach at least 25k, but even 20k would be awesome because that would beat out what I was able to get to in 2004 and 2005.

Third, I am staying away from the NaNo forums. The site is super slow for one thing, and reading those forums is just time consuming.

I was thinking of doing a daily update, but I probably won't. I'll at least put in a word count meter and update that when I write more.

So, to those legally NaNoing or like me, NaNoing kind of, I wish you luck. Happy writing!

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